01-07-2019 - 06-07-2019

Under its thrust area - Green Warje, club planted 150 trees behind Cipla Foundation,Warje. The project started wi th survey of land, taking the pits, inviting school & college students with teachers, coordination with Forest department officials. 300members actively participated in tree plantation. Municipal Corporation has agreed to water & maintain trees. Considering increasing population in this area, tree plantation was essential to strike the balance between nature & concretization.Project was featured in the local newspaper Sakal

Project Details

Start Date 01-07-2019
End Date 06-07-2019
Project Cost 5000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 50
No of direct Beneficiaries 30000
Partner Clubs RCP Pashan
Non Rotary Partners 1. BSM Junior College - 195 members 2. Smita Patil Highschool - 75 members 3. Forest Department - 8 members
Project Category Club Thrust Area